Sunday, 15 March 2009

Turn to Splunk for Log Indexing Management

What is SPLUNK actually ?

I have been introduced by Kenneth and Jerry from Systex Group about SPLUNK. I never heard about Splunk before. After the presentation, I found that Splunk is a search indexing software that indexes any fast moving IT data as it happens, making it possible to actually see inside the data center at runtime. From your Web browser, we can possibly navigate logs, configuration files, message queues, JMX notifications, SNMP and database transactions from any system, application or device. System administrators, developers and support staff everywhere can now diagnose and resolve problems faster resulting in shorter mean time to repair (MTTR), better service availability and reduced cost of incident response. 

From my point of view.. I've seen that Splunk can help IT Department instantly figure out what's happening anywhere in their infrastructure by making use of all the data being logged within the data center. Very useful product for Network Operation Center (NOC) and Service Desk.

We been informed that, since Splunk first launched its product in July 2006, more than 250,000 users and over 800 enterprise customers have selected Splunk as their IT search platform to improve the availability of the IT infrastructure, meet security and compliance needs and cut the operations costs. In additions, more than 50 OEM (including CISCO), system integrators, VAR and MSSP worldwide have also partnered with Splunk and fueled their offerings with Splunk.

Splunk claimed that, they use powerful algorithms to automatically organize any type of IT data into events. It then classifies these events and discovers relationships between events of different kinds. Events are indexed by time, terms and relationships. For me... this product is really.. really interesting and impressive.

What Can Splunk Do For Us?

Splunk can help us to get to the root of the problem.
  • System administrators can find the root cause of problems quickly and locate latent systems issues before they cause downtime.
  • Developers can debug interactions among multiple tiers and components in the code-test cycle, the migration from development to production or during production escalations.
  • Service desk and support teams can investigate reported incidents and alerts right away without having to reproduce the problem or call in senior analysts or developers.

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